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A rollover is when a borrower moves a loan from an existing bank to another bank. There are usually several reasons for this: the interest rate at the bank is too high; the fees are too expensive; the service is poor; and there are difficulties in applying for a loan at the existing bank when buying another home or increasing the loan.


After the transfer application is approved, the new bank will allocate funds to the old bank to pay off the loan. There may be some bank and government fees in between, but many banks are now willing to help borrowers pay for the fees incurred. During the transfer process, the loan amount can be increased, the loan product can be adjusted, and the loan term can be adjusted if needed.

Home Refinance

The advantages of refinancing

1. Interest Rate Discount


The new bank can offer more favorable interest rates, and the long-term savings as a result outweigh the fees incurred when switching loans.

The investor has more choices when it comes to the minimum loan rate and the maximum loan amount.

A lower loan rate means less money to pay back to the bank; a higher loan amount means more money to take out.

It's all there for the savvy investor to consider.

2. Multiple valuations and choose the highest.


The reasoning is simple: whichever bank values the property higher means that the investor can get more money out of it. Also, the investor has an idea of how much his property is worth in the market after comparing it with many others.

3. More flexibility to repay the bank principal or interest.


This is a very good condition for investors who only pay back the interest and not the principal. It ensures that they can always hold the bank's money for investment and pay back less in the future, taking into account inflation.

Deficiencies in refinance

1. Refinancing may result in certain penalties.

This is because if you sign a contract to stay with a bank for a certain period of time, leaving a bank early will result in a penalty.

2. When you change banks and reapply for a loan, you will pay a certain application fee or processing fee, etc.

On the whole, it is more advantageous to take the property appreciation out of the bank by way of refinancing than top up. Of course, it is much better than selling the property directly.

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